Hello, Norane 😊



Visiting my primary school in Saint Ann, Jamaica. Photography by Roxroy McLean.


I visited my primary school in Saint Ann, during a recent trip to Jamaica.

It brought back memories of my first protest and “Red Miss”.

The school was empty, so I got the chance to walk about and see one of our learning rooms.

Primary was where I met my bestest school friend, Norane Bryce.

Hello, Norane. 😊

Jamaica, we are here.

Time, to create our new futures.

Watch on Pitch TV.

Best wishes,

Kenisha (her)

Sherry-Ann Collins

Sherry (her / us)

Sherry Collins

Jamaican Freedom Fighter

Fighting for the creative freedom of the Jamaican peopledem.™

Powered by Dad’s Life Medicine.

Watch on Pitch TV.


Sherry Collins